Home monitoring and automation suite
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Think of myHouse as a framework for collecting statistics and automating your house

Plugin-based architecture

Collect data from a number of sensors by leveraging a simple to customize plugin-based architecture

Analytics Engine

Automatic calculation of hourly and daily minimum/maximum/average values for each sensor

Responsive Web Interface

Fully customizable web interface with mobile support to display the sensors' statistics, control actuators and present custom data

Voice Interaction

Speech recognition and text-to-speech capabilities for realtime voice interaction

Slack Integration

Natural-language interactive Slack bot for remotely retrieving any statistic, send commands or just having fun

Alerts and Notifications

Alerting module generating e-mails or Slack notifications whenever a configured condition is met


What will be presented in the web interface is completely up to you.
You can define your own modules, chose your icons and configure all the widgets that will be presented in the order you like the most.


Indoor module

Outdoor module

Boiler control panel

Slack interaction

Daily e-mail digest


To simplify the installation process, myHouse is available as a Docker image.

  • Install Docker

    Docker is a great tool used to run software packages isolated from each other and bundle applications, tools and required libraries. To install Docker follow the instructions at https://docs.docker.com/install/ or run curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh

  • Download myHouse

    Download the latest version of myHouse by running docker pull myhouseproject/myhouse

  • Configure myHouse

    Create a configuration file called config.json taking inspiration from the provided config-example.json and config-advanced.json files.
    For more information review the User Manual

  • Run it!

    Create a directory called conf and place inside your config.json file, create an empty directory called data and run docker run --rm -p 80:80 -v $(pwd)/conf:/conf -v $(pwd)/data:/data myhouseproject/myhouse
    For more information and other available options visit Docker Hub

  • Access
    The Web


Configuration, FAQ and Examples

User Manual

Installation and Deployment

Docker Hub

Contribute, report an issues
